
Unit 1 The Microprocessor - MCQ

UNIT I – THE 8086 MICROPROCESSOR UNIT I – THE 8086 MICROPROCESSOR    Show all questions <=   => The NMI pin should remain high for atleast. ?   2 Clock Cycles ?   4 Clock Cycles ?   3 Clock Cycles ?   1 Clock Cycles Comparing the time T1 taken for fetching and execution of a single instruction on a pipelined CPU with time T2 taken for the same on a non-pipelined but identical CPU, then select one of the following options. ?   T1is T2 plus the time taken for the one instruction fetch cycle ?   T1<T2 ?   T1>T2 ?   T1=T2 The instruction MOV AX, [2500H] is an example of ?   Immediate Addressing Mode ?   Indirect Addressing Mode ?   Direct Addressing Mode ?   Register Addressing Mode The assembler directive used at the beginning of a procedure is _________. ?   ENDP ?   PROC ?   ORG ?   PTR How many address lines are in 8086 microprocessor? ?   16 lines ?   32 lines ?   18 lines ?   20 lines W